
Why you should stop using stock photos

24 Jun 2024
Categories: business

Have you ever looked for a service provider to help you with something and recognised images on their website and social media because you’ve seen them elsewhere?

That’s because they’re probably using stock images and I’m here to tell you to NOT do that!

Now let me start by saying that stock libraries like pexels and unsplash are amazing. You can get your hands on beautiful images for free to help upgrade your social media feed, create canva designs and upscale your website aesthetics.

But… They will only last you for so long.

Your brand becomes undefined and interchangeable with other businesses – often they don’t even offer the same as you. People will remember a beautiful stock photo but, not what it sold – because the message isn’t clear.

So let me share a few tips on how to make your business stand out with personal branding images that didn’t come from a stock library.

Your brand photos show your face

As a small business, you have the opportunity to make personal connections with your audience – that starts with using your face, your tone of voice, your own aesthetics and your values. Stop hiding behind a logo and a brand name, show your face so we can get to know you.

I promise nobody who wants to work with you will worry about what you look like. They do want to know who you are though.

Your brand images show how you work

Whether you work online, create hand-made things, design websites or coach exclusively 1:2:1, your own brand images can show what it looks like when you do your work for and with your clients.

My Signature Brand Shoot is a roughly 2 hour session that gives us enough time to create some headshots, portraits and who you working with your clients in a variety of ways and locations.

A stock photo of hands on a keyboard won’t show your web design clients how you build your beautiful designs or what your surrounds look like while you create your magic. A stock image of a woman on a mountain enjoying the view and experiencing freedom is a beautiful cliche of what you promise – but what can your coaching client expect what they actually invest in you? These generic images can support your message but they can’t build the trust your audience needs to have before investing in you.

Your personal branding photos can share a slice of your own lifestyle

Whether you work from home, from a cafe or the beach… Whether you have a pet at home that interrupts your work… Whether you like water sports or are a homebody who lives for their plants… None of these things really have anything to do with your services but giving your audience a peek into your life shows them that you are open to share something from you before they make the jump to hire you.

You might think those things aren’t important but think about what accounts, people and businesses you follow online. Don’t you love it when they give you an insight into their lives outside of work?

This doesn’t mean you have to share your whole life online – only share as much as you’re comfortable with – but share more than your offers and how people can work with you.

What’s your favourite playlist to recharge, what’s your cat’s name, where was your favourite travel destination (and why)… Anything that gives people an insight into your values and interests will be helpful in converting a lead into a client. Stock images can’t make this personal connection for you.

Your own photos will stand out through individuality

I get it, we want to fit in, we want to belong. But blending into a sea of other people isn’t going to do that for you. It’ll make you invisible.

I mean, if that’s your goal, then running your own business might not be the right path for you because it’ll be hard to cut through the noise of your competition that way. And that’s what you need to do to make money with your work. You know it’s true.

You have GOT TO stand out. And you can’t stand out if you look like everyone else.

Standing out requires courage and bravery. Only you can sell your thing the way that aligns with you. Your personal brand photos go hand in hand with your services or products, your values and what your clients need or want from you. If they can’t tell you apart from any other business out there, how will they be able to hear you?

Your Brand Photos don’t have to cost “the earth”

Investing in your own photos to replace free stock images is an investment. There’s no denying that.

But you don’t necessarily have to invest thousands. You can get beautiful images for a few hundred pounds. My brand packages start at £300 for a short session with headshots and portraits that will give you a head start on showing up for your business.

My signature session comes in at £600 and will give us the option to shoot at a variety of locations, covering different aspects of your business while making sure we visualise your message, your mission, how you work as well as create some stunning portraits and headshots that will help you reintroduce yourself to your audience regularly.

And if you need some video clips as well as photos, come and talk to me. We can create some social media clips as well as photos during your session as well. No stock video needed!

So, if you’re still using stock photos to promote your business, I encourage you to reconsider and have a think how those images could be replaced showing more of your won personality so you can stand out in today’s saturated markets.

And if you’re ready to talk about how I might be able to help you bring your vision to life, get in touch.

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Anja Poehlmann

Brighton’s photographer and filmmaker for families and small businesses. Cultivating confidence though beautifully authentic images of the real you!