One of the most common worries I hear from parents is: What if my kids don’t behave when there’s a photographer around?
If that thought has crossed your mind before, you’re not alone – and you’re definitely not the only parent whose kids sometimes have big feelings, act silly, or refuse to smile on cue. The good news is, none of that matters for the kind of photography I offer. In fact, I’d go as far as saying it’s what makes your photos even more special.
As a documentary family photographer, I’m not here to capture a perfect version of your life – I’m here to show the beauty in the real, unscripted moments. There’s no need for your children to sit still, grin at the camera, or even follow directions. They can play, snack, hide behind your legs, or even have a little meltdown if they need to. I approach every photoshoot with patience and curiosity, letting the session unfold at your family’s natural pace.

Before I even pick up my camera, I like to take a little time to get to know your children, mainly by introducing myself and letting them take the lead in how I photograph them. Some kids warm up quickly, others need more time — and that’s absolutely fine. The beauty of this style of photography is that there’s no pressure on anyone to perform.
As an introvert, I can relate to kids – or even adults – being shy or apprehensive towards a new person in the room. However, most kids are eager to show me their favourite toys or their rooms pretty quickly. And after a while, they barely pay attention to me taking pictures anymore because I don’t make a big deal out of it.

Before our session, I will send you a questionnaire to tell me more about everyone in the family. That allows you to let me know if anyone has any specific characteristics or needs I need to be aware of. If you know that one of your children gets very nervous around new people, we can arrange a Zoom call where we get to meet virtually or I can record a video message for you to show your children. I’ve done this before and the boy I recorded this message for kept watching it over and over. By the time I met him at home, he felt much more at ease with my presence.
During your session, I don’t expect anyone to behave a certain way. Tantrums happen almost every time I photograph a family and I will 100% photograph them – as well as the consoling. It’s all part of your story.
But most of your shoot will probably be “uneventful” where you just go about your day entertaining the kids, making dinner or playing games. The moments that happen in between – a quiet cuddle, a burst of giggles, or the way your child clings to your hand – are often the ones that hold the most meaning. Those are the moments you’ll want to remember years from now, not forced smiles or picture-perfect poses.

If you’re still feeling unsure, I can share stories from families who had the same worries before their session and ended up loving their images precisely because their children were simply themselves.
So if your kids are shy, wild, or somewhere in between, please don’t worry. The best photos come when everyone is free to be exactly who they are.
Best behaviour optional.