If you’ve been around here for a while, you might know that for some time now I’ve been photographing my life every day. After completing year 2 in November, I thought it was time to share my learnings, some photos from the past year and some exciting news with you.
Project 365:My mundane daily life in photos
The things I’m learning through this project help me not just as a photographer but also in my approach to life. It’s not sweating the small stuff, the fact that nothing is perfect, that things don’t always work out as planned. Life is messy and trying to pretend that it’s not, means we’re not being authentic. And people connect through authenticity… So I’m choosing connection over the attempt to strive for perfection.
On a photographic level, this project 365 is training my eyes and my brain to evaluate situations from different angles, find and see light and composition in familiar and unfamiliar places and the importance of tiny moments in between all the big ones.
When you do things purely out of passion and self-motivation, exciting things can happen!
A few weeks ago, Ashley Raddatz, CEO and Founder of DFP Education, the education platform of “Documentary Family Photographers Worldwide” reached out to me to ask whether I was up for creating a self-paced online crash course about my Project 365. I immediately agreed because education and teaching photography and film has been something I’ve been wanting to do more of for a while now.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on all of the content. It’s literally just writing out all the things I do on a nearly daily basis in order to not lose track on my project 365.
In my course, I’ll be talking about my whole process including organisation and time management, and sharing my best tips and tricks on how to stay inspired and motivated. The Project 365 is a daunting one but it doesn’t actually have to be hard. If you are thinking about starting a 365 and would love some input and want to learn from my experiences, keep an eye out on the DFP Education website.* The release date is end of December 2021.
To see what kind of images I took throughout the last year, documenting my mundane daily life, I’ve picked out a “small” selection of my last 365 days of photos for you below – starting on my 39th birthday in 2020, finishing a day before my 40th.

If you’re intrigued and would love to start your own 365, look out for my course on DFP Education.* And if you wanted to see how my 1st year of 365 looked like, you can watch my last year’s slideshow and photos here.
*The links in this article to DFP Education are affiliate links.