
photo exhibition in Paris

31 May 2019
Categories: personal, travel

A few months ago I received an email from a curator who was working on an exhibition for a gallery in France. He asked me if I wanted to submit some of my photos I took in Colombia for this exhibition. After freaking out a bit and wondering if he was talking to the right person, I finally agreed. I mean… obviously I would say yes but being asked in the first place was a bit of a shock that I had to digest first.

Since Paris is close enough and this would be my first international photo exhibition, I definitely had to go to the vernissage. Also, a weekend in Paris… what’s not to love about that?! So two weeks ago, I flew over for an extended weekend.

The exhibition called “Street Sans Frontieres” was on for 3 days and was held at the Galerie Joseph Turenne. I’m still overwhelmed with how many people came to visit and have a look. It was a great success and felt amazing as well as surreal to see my images on the wall next to so many beautiful photos – some of which were taken by photographers whose work I’ve been following for a while already.

exhibition Paris
International photo exhibition Paris
International photo exhibition Paris
International photo exhibition
street photography exhibition
Imagenation photo exhibition
Imagenation photo exhibition

The opening night was really busy so I decided to go back the next day and see how the gallery looked without people in it – and still it seemed like visitors could not get enough. To be fair, it was a beautifully curated and organised exhibition.

Imagenation photo exhibition
International photo exhibition Paris
Imagenation photo exhibition
International photo exhibition Paris

And of course, when in Paris… you gotta enjoy the city. So I did. I made it my mission to find good coffee and luckily succeeded. Even with oat milk! Below are a few photos I took while exploring the city.

Paris weekend
Paris weekend
Paris weekend
Paris views city life
photo exhibition in Paris
Paris views city life
Paris weekend
Paris weekend
photo exhibition in Paris
Paris weekend
Paris views city life
Paris views city life
photo exhibition in Paris
Paris views city life
photo exhibition in Paris
Paris views city life
photo exhibition in Paris
Paris views city life

On another note, I’m still shooting film but I’m a little behind on my analogue stories on the blog. I’m waiting to fill my current roll of film so I can send of my April and May photos. That should hopefully be sorted soon so if you like my film photos, please stay tuned.

Anja Poehlmann

Brighton’s photographer and filmmaker for families and small businesses. Cultivating confidence though beautifully authentic images of the real you!