The Walker Family . documentary family film

28 Jan 2020
Categories: family, video

Just before Christmas, I visited my photographer friend Hannah and her wonderful family in Somerset to create a family film for and with them.

Since it was the holidays, their oldest son Jake was home from university. Hannah’s and James’s three kids have a relatively big age gap between them which means they don’t get to spend lots of time together anymore. That’s all the more reason to get some photos and videos done while everybody is home. Kids grow up so quickly, they slip away and become adults when you close your eyes for just a minute.

Jake and his younger sisters Erin and Mila have a wonderful connection. Mila is the youngest and everybody just adores her. Erin is the cool teenager who just learnt how to make pancakes. Jake is the eldest and just a very cool college kid now.
Hannah and James obviously did a lot of things right when raising their family. I loved watching them hanging out together and just enjoying a busy but relaxed day preparing for Christmas.

Anyway, enough talk. Here is the family video I created for them. Please enjoy!

Along with the video, I also took a few photos. This was not the main priority but it’s always nice to have a few stills along with the film as well. Here are a few of my favourites.

Family films Sussex Somerset UK

documentary family photos south of England

Family films Sussex Somerset UK

documentary family photos south of England

Documentary family film

making pancakes, Family films Sussex Somerset UK

eating pancakes, documentary family photos

dad and daughter on couch, Family films Sussex Somerset UK

mummy and toddler girl on couch, documentary family photos south of England

documentary family photos south of England

Family photography sussex Brighton England

Family photography sussex christmas prep work

Documentary family film

Family films Sussex Somerset UK

Documentary family film

Are your kids growing up too fast? Do you want to freeze time and hold on to their little personalities before they head out into the world on their own? I get that and sadly I can’t actually stop them from growing up. But I can help you create some memories through photography and video to document life with the little ones – while they still are little.

Let me know if you’d like to know more about these sessions or want to inquire to book one for yourself.


Anja Poehlmann

Brighton’s photographer and filmmaker for families and small businesses. Cultivating confidence though beautifully authentic images of the real you!